Dec 18, 2017

CroppMetacalfe End of Year Meetings
On Thursday, December 14 – CroppMetcalfe held our quarterly Technician meeting as well as our Support Staff meeting.
The technician meeting began at around 7 am with breakfast and coffee. Team Crutch won this quarter’s competition and was served steak & eggs by the President, Tim Cropp. The winners received $200 each for reaching their goals and going above and beyond.
Afterwards, each table was given a worksheet and the instructions said to read through the pages before beginning. The trick was that the last instruction given said not to do any of the above instructions – just write your team name down. The lesson from this was to make sure you always read through the instructions before beginning so that nothing gets messed up.
Awards were given for co-workers at the company for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years. The team leaders were given new, gray polos to show off that morning. Previously, the team leaders were wearing white polos that seemed to get dirty too quickly. The gray was a decision based on the feedback from the team.
Another huge announcement made by Ben Kelley, the Director of Residential Operations, was that HVAC was no longer going to do on-call next year and decrease on-call for plumbing and pest control. This decision was made based on co-workers’ feedback on what could be improved in the company. Co-workers were ecstatic and shocked at the decision made, but upper-level management believed it was important to do to keep co-workers happy. We try to keep a good work-life balance and having an on-call option was not doing that for us. This will go into effect in 2018.
Lastly, co-workers played a few rounds of bingo until there were winners who received from money!
At 11 am and 1 pm, the Support Staff received pizza for their meeting and received some announcements. The team leaders were recognized for doing a great job this year! Again, there were awards for the co-workers who were at the company for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years. Co-workers were given praise by Chris Blevins, Residential Operations Manager, for making sure that our 5-Star Technicians have the proper equipment and scheduling to go onto the field. At the end of the meeting, the Support staff also played bingo until there were winners!
Many important announcements were made this day and it is important to note that we appreciate every single co-worker who keeps the business chugging along. Everyone does a great job and sticks to the core values as much as they can! We are one family and everyone’s voice is important in the day to day process.
- ML